Happy Employees Mean Happy Hotel Guests, Happier Hoteliers

Search all you want and you’ll never find a job that doesn’t come with some degree of stress. As rewarding as it is, the hotel and hospitality business is no different.

Hotel workers daily deal with wearied parents, cranky kids and on-edge business travelers – all of whom can make for some very demanding clients. Across the board, American employees miss upwards of 100 million workdays due to stress. Plus, up to 75 percent of disease can be attributed to stress. Insomnia, ulcers and depression all can be caused by workplace stress. And, according to a recent survey, hotel and restaurant workers experience employee burnout at a rate of one in seven. All those days off work, and employee turnover due to burnout, can place even more stress on co-workers and put a dent in your healthcare facility’s profitability.

Luckily, there are steps you can take to help your employees better manage workplace stress:

  1. Make sure that managers are well trained in matters of employee distress and approachable;
  2. Provide adequate staffing and training;
  3. Encourage employees to adopt healthy lifestyle habits including exercise, good nutrition and plenty of sleep and breaks;
  4. Give employees recognition and rewards for their accomplishments and contributions;
  5. Take as much burden off employees as possible. One great way is to install digital signage with content that answers guests’ most commonly asked questions.

Got more great stress-reducing ideas to share? Post them on MDM Lodging’s Facebook fan page. And if you’d like to install digital signage in your hotel or inn, call 800-359-6741.